Smethport Fire Department

Our volunteer firefighters are ready to handle any emergency situation. Whether you experience a fire, medical emergency or other life threatening event, we provide exceptional service that is highly reflective of our training and commitment to the residents of Smethport.
After receiving a call for help from the 911 Center, the fire department responds in less than 8 minutes to any location in the Borough, and assists adjacent municipalities when needed. Read more
Fire Department History

On August 25,1881, the citizens of Smethport held a meeting at the Pierce House Hotel for the purpose of forming a Hose Company. The first Bucktail Hose Company was organized on November 1, 1881.
Since the volunteers did not have any equipment, the Smethport Borough Council let them use the Borough Building on the corner of Fulton Street and Water Street. This house was used for meetings, and later space was added to the building for the hose company. Read more